Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Spyglass Studio

I've been on a bit of a performance hiatus recently. I'm not involved in any productions, I've got no shows on my radar... but that doesn't mean that I don't plan on doing more shows in the future. So when my buddies Jason and Chelsea told me they were starting up a photography studio and asked if I'd be interested in getting some new headshots, I thought, "Why not?"

I met with Jason and Chelsea at Library Square in downtown Salt Lake for a fun little shoot before getting the headshots done. I had a blast, and I must say I'm pretty excited with the pictures themselves. I don't think I realized just how much my hairline's receded... but I can't really blame THEM for that.

Their group's called Spyglass Studio. If you've got any upcoming photography needs, check 'em out. I think you'll be pleased.


miss kristen said...

Love love love love.

miss kristen said...

Oh and I nominated you for a Liebster. Hee-hee!! http://cutefox15.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

Its okay. Bryan's hairline is receding as well.