Saturday, January 9, 2010

Daily Sketches

1.6.10 - I drew the Nordstrom's ad model on 1.5.10 because I was fascinated by the shapes and angles of her body. I decided to try to focus more on the body in a specific pose rather than ramrod straight.

I'm pleased with this sketch from the neck down. Even the hands, which I normally detest, don't look half bad here. Mind, they're not GREAT, but they're far better than most anything else I've done freehand recently.

The head looks a bit out of proportion to me. It also looks like Boomhauer from King of the Hill.

1.7.10 - This is Victor. He likes it windy.

1.8.10 - I seem to have difficulty drawing women's faces. This particular one didn't work out as well as I hoped - mainly because I set out to draw a YOUNG woman. When I added the wrinkles, the picture started looking better.

On both the front and side views, I'm disappointed with how the hair turned out. Hair's still something I need to work on learning to draw better.

1.9.10 - This picture evolved from a perverse practice I indulged in as a missionary. We'd always look forward to the bi-annual General Conference edition of the Ensign so we could look through the photographs and designate a "Miss Conference Edition" - who, ironically enough, was usually a sister missionary.

Anyway, after the fiasco of trying to draw a young woman on 1.8.10, I opted to look for a photograph of one to use as a model. Not having many pictures of women simply lying around in my house (nor any Nordstrom's ads), I turned to the Fall 2009 General Conference issue and found the above picture. Drew it while watching Doctor Who. I think it turned out okay.

I'm most proud of the way I drew the woman's hair. I added the texture by drawing with the side of my pencil rather than the tip. I don't know if this is Accepted Drawing Procedure (tm), but I'm more or less pleased with the effect, anyway.

1 comment:

Aldo said...

It totally is Accepted Drawing Procedure (tm). My drawing teacher in high school had the class practice scenery drawings by making all the green (i.e. grass, trees, natural crap) stuff with the side of our pencils. GOOD FOR YOU!!!