Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Aftermath

Back when I was a kid, I loved hanging out with friends the week following Christmas to show off all the cool toys I got. Sadly, now that I'm an adult... I still get toys, and they're awesome, and I can share them with EVERYONE thanks to the magic of the internet.

Pigma Sensei Ink Pens

I'm a total novice when it comes to art equipment - I still haven't used the charcoal set I got for Christmas LAST year. However, even I can see the advantage of having a set of pens that draw lines of different widths. I've had a lot of fun experimenting with these in just these past two days.

Batman: The Animated Series

You know what I've been doing since December 25th? Drawing and watching this. I probably ate something as well between now and then, but I can't remember what.

LEGO Pirates Kraken Attackin

So last week I made some comment about how I missed having Legos to play with. Well, my mom took note, and sent my dad out into the harsh, unforgiving wasteland that is Toys R Us the week before Christmas to buy me the goofy little Lego set pictured above. And it is awesome.

The Complete Sherlock Holmes
Despite my doomsaying, I really enjoyed the Robert Downey Jr. Sherlock Holmes movie from this past summer, and the new BBC Sherlock series has been excellent from what I've seen so far. I'd been planning on picking the books up for a while now, but I hadn't really talked to anyone about it. So I was surprised to unwrap this impressive little volume.

Thanks for everything, Santa (even the socks, which were nice, but not cool enough to post on my blog).

1 comment:

Mitzi said...

We really like the new Sherlock series.

Have you seen the older BBC ones with Jeremy Brett? They are by far the best. ever. for sure.

We love them so much we even downloaded the score for one of the movies.