Friday, July 15, 2011

Gilmore Girls Drinking Game

Back in college I had a roommate who LOVED the television show Gilmore Girls. He was an odd one, sure, but he had good taste. Every now and again, I'd sit down and watch an episode with him. I had a hard time with all the soap-operatics, but I loved the dialog, thick with allusions and delivered so quickly you're liable to get whiplash. It's like porn for English majors, except all the dialog's delivered by pretty women.

So it's like porn.

(Actually, considering Alexis Bledel's character Rory starts the series out at 16, that comparison starts to make me a little uncomfortable.)

I've started watching the series from the beginning and am working my way through season 4 now. I've started to notice some recurring tropes and trends in the way the stories are told, so I figure the best way to relate them is to devise a drinking game... which'll please all two-hundred thousand readers of my blog who are both Gilmore Girls fans AND massive drinkers.
  • Take a SIP every time the background music kicks in with a winsome "La La La."
  • Take a SIP when Lorelai acts less mature than her daughter (Upgrade to a SWIG if that means Lorelai wakes Rory up in the middle of the night).
  • Take a SIP every time a band is name-checked.
  • Take a SWIG every time Rory does something unbelievably nerdy.
  • Take a SIP every time a new character is introduced with only a single quirk or oddity defining their character (Upgrade to a SWIG if that quirk causes the character to have a completely illogical world-view).
  • Take a SWIG every time characters get into a fight for no reason.
  • Take a SWIG every time an author or journalist is name-checked.
  • Take a SWIG every time Lauren Graham is the only "hip cat" in a room full of "squares."
  • FINISH YOUR BEER when a major plot point happens off-screen
That last one bugs me quite a bit. We never get to see most of the break-ups, and most seasons of the show begin with the characters just finishing up some activity that would have been pretty cool to see for a whole episode or two.



This Place is a Disaster! said...

I really think there should be some credit given every time you see Kirk performing an act of employment - how many jobs does that guy have!!!

Jason Beck said...

It's good to know my influence is still felt. I figure love of Gilmore Girls will be my legacy to the world.