Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Hippopotamus and the Meaning of Life: An Improvised Poem

The morning sun rises on the Serengeti

And the tall grasses wave just like spaghetti.

The animals stir from their sleep in the marshes
And shake off the dew from their ears and their arshes.

First and foremost is the great hippopotamus...

...who dies at sundown.

Last weekend during the Jesters Royale show, we played a game called Poetry Slam, wherein the players all make up a poem based on an audience suggestion.  The audience suggested "hippopotamus."

Turns out no one knew how to rhyme with "hippopotamus."  Coulda used some help from Bret and Jemaine.


heidikins said...



Amy said...

is awesome.

Man, I hate missing out on all that Jester fun!