Thursday, May 3, 2012

Blog Comments Make Me a Better Man

The usual metrics for popularity don't seem to apply online. In real life, popularity is simply measured by the number of friends you have. Online, sheer volume of friends actually makes no difference, seeing as how most people who "friend" you on Facebook probably wouldn't recognize you if you ran into them in the mall while wearing a T-shirt with your high school yearbook photo on it. No, the REAL measure of online popularity is the number of comments or posts you're able to accrue.

I just got a little more popular on my blog last night. I picked up two new comments, and that makes me the queen of this particular Homecoming parade. I thought I'd share the comments with you.

The first comes from an anonymous commenter on my review of the book Bossypants. The comment came in response to my statement below:
As a young man, a single adult who comes from a family of all boys and has no experience with women outside of watching a few episodes of Jem, I got a kick out of reading that. It matches how I feel about thing - I'm not actually sexist, I'm just ignorant. While that's not exactly an ideal state of being, at least ignorance is treatable.
Here's what my sweet little Anonymous commenter had to say: are just sexist. But how adorable that you think you aren't because you are completely stupid about the opposite sex.
Well, yeah... Anonymous is probably right. I've got a long and well-documented history of being sexist, so I might as well just cop to it. Thanks, Anonymous! I appreciate your candor and honesty.

ADD: So my friend Heather, who's been posting some very insightful thoughts of feminism on her own, has commented on my post here (you can read her response below). I just want to say that I appreciate her opinion and am very glad she chose to express herself to me. If my comments have offended anyone, I do apologize.

The anonymous poster was a bit of a jerk, yeah, but that doesn't mean they were WRONG. I fully admit that I have some backwards attitudes and can say some pretty thoughtless things at times. I appreciate getting called out on stuff. Just, you know, be nice about it.

Okay, all passive-aggressive sarcasm aside, I did get a pretty nifty comment from someone who'd never commented on my blog before. This comment comes from my snarky little post on the Fantagraphics Mickey Mouse comic reprints:
Glad we're converting you to the real Mickey Mouse, S. R. Thanks to some more piecemeal late '70s reprints, Gottfredson's Mickey is the Mickey I cut my teeth on as a kid. It's a labor of love to keep him circulating. While I could never call him a scoundrel (I only count three cartoons where he pushes Minnie too far—and this never happens in the comics), he's quite the adventurous and defiant little squirt, isn't he? Collecting the supplementary material that goes in the books is an adventure itself! (Hope you're following our Facebook page... that's where we put the overflow.) Re: sad racial stuff: Disney Publishing allows us to run the strips unabridged because we're aiming the books at adults, and have extensive text putting that content in context. Luckily, most of what's left is timeless—and that's just how I like it. —David Gerstein (Series Editor)
I'm a little flattered that the guy putting these books together actually took the time to post such an enthusiastic response to what was mainly just a big sarcastic rant. This guy is totally classy.

One thing I forgot to mention in my original post on the Gottfredson comics (probably because I was more interested in posting a pic of Mickey Mouse in blackface than I was at giving a balanced review) is that the books are full of insightful commentary on the period in which the comics were written. I probably love the commentary about as much as the comics themselves - things always make more sense in context. So thanks to Mr. Gerstein for doing such an excellent job on this wonderful collection.


Heather said...

Actually, that paragraph bothered me too. You say you didn't have sisters, but you have a mom, Stephen! You only completely failed to mention her.

I didn't say anything then because I appreciate your efforts to learn about sexism, feminism, etc. I didn't want to judge or discourage you in your efforts, and I still don't. I can already tell you are changing. And I think you are awesome.

And for the record, I think everyone is a little sexist. Me included. Sometimes it's our fault, sometimes it's not. Usually it's both.

Amy said...

In regards to the post title: We shall see...

Actually you really are SO cool.

ramapith said...

Hey S. R.,

First up—thanks very much for the kudos. From the rest of the team, too.

But hey, why sock it to your original Mickey post for being a "snarky... sarcastic rant"? In the graf beginning "Thing is, unfortunate outdated prejudices aside...," you offered as honest a testament as I've ever heard to the way Gottfredson grabbed you. It sure spoke to me!

(Either that, or your crossbreed of Padme Amidala and a saltine has been doped up with some vindaloo-spiced saltines.)

S.R. Braddy said...

The person who commented on my Bossypants review put me on the defensive, I guess. Combine that with a difficult work week and I guess I got a little carried away with covering my back. Heaven forbid I ever be wrong on the internet.