Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Family Histeria

Fun Fact: I'm the head of the Temple and Family History committee in my ward.

What does that mean? Well, from a practical standpoint, it means I need to convince other members of my religious congregation to try to research their own geneologies when all they're really interested in is getting married and not doing geneological research.

I kid. But just a little.

I spent about two hours last night searching through pages and pages of online records, trying to verify some ill-remembered information I'd previously picked up from my father regarding our family history. I came up with... well, not much. Except, that is, for a bit stronger desire to actually practice what I preach when it comes to geneology. The sum total of my contributions to the family history effort can be seen in the flyer I drew up at the top of the post.

It's not a bad flyer, though, is it?

P.S.: This is a fun website. "Fun" might not be the right word, but anyone interested in family history might want to check it out.

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