Monday, May 6, 2013

Project 15: And So I'm Getting Older

And so I'm getting older -
Well, that's what they say it's called.
I never thought I'd live so long
To see head be so far on
The other side of "bald."

I'm "baby face" no longer.
My skin is chapped and raw,
And though I once was thought quite svelte,
My waist has mushroomed o'er my belt
Until I see my feet no maw.

It's sad I'm such a shambles.
I'm only twenty nine.
And though I'm feeling quite decrepit,
I bet, if only I would step it up
I'd be just fine.

So I give up sweets and goodies
(No more ice cream, no more pies)
And though I long for steak and taters
My body will not thank me laters
For a fatty butt and thighs.

Hear now my testimony
For living hale and blandly.
I rarely pant, I never get sick -
Unlike when I was hedonistic
And weekends ended badly.

So now when I go beddie-bye
At 9:15 at night,
I relish my early inaction
With super-smug self satisfaction
From living life so right.

And then the thought
That brings me shock -
Damn it, Mom was RIGHT.

Eh, it's SORT OF a Mother's Day poem.

I think it's about time to break away from the light, comedic verse. I've enjoyed it - especially the "game" of finding fun rhymes, but I'm falling into a bit of a rut right now. I'll definitely come back to this style of poem in the future - Ogden Nash rhymes are fun.

The picture was a fun one to assemble. I know proportions are off all over the place (look at the guy's tiny toothbrush), but I get a kick out of the expression on his face. I've gotten pretty good at manipulating the "layers" in the Procreate drawing tool to make coloring easier. It's all still quite cartoony looking - but I've never much cared for "realism" in my pictures, so I'm cool with that.

1 comment:

Psychoticmilkman said...

I like it, you should write a poem about getting older multiple time during your life, maybe do one in another 20 years and then another 20 after that. the three poems all together would be cool.