Monday, May 13, 2013

Introducing Braddy's Autobiocomix

So I've wanted to draw a webcomic for a long, long time, but I haven't really known how to go about it. Most webcomics are either of the "gag-a-day" sort, or they're these long winding epics. Frankly, I didn't really feel much like doing either.

At the same time, I've always felt like someone who writes as much as I do ought to keep more of a journal or diary. I don't really do much of that, either. I've probably attempted to start a journal five times in the last fifteen years, but I never keep them going more than a week.

So I got this idea: Why not achieve both goals at the same time?

Thus, I bring you "Braddy's Autobiocomix."

This is something of an experiment in webcomicry. The goal is to take fifteen minutes or so, doodle up a picture of something that happens to me each day (or how I felt or whatever) and post it on the blog. I don't really mean to tell a bunch of jokes - although I do find self-deprecation to be a potent medicine. I just want to keep a more diligent record of how I'm feeling day to day.

If it interests you, go ahead and follow along. If not, no worries. I'm really doing this more to amuse myself than anything else.

1 comment:

Torrie said...

Brilliant idea--I definitely think you've hit onto something great here. Can't wait to read!