Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Giant-Sized Daily Sketches

9.23.10 - This... may be the creepiest thing I've ever drawn.

Of course, I got the idea for the woman's pose while watching Drag Me to Hell. I paused the movie while the main character was kinda staring off into space and copied down the pose. Then I decided that something should be sneaking up behind her. My original concept was more monstrous... but, then, things got a bit more... realistic... and...

In my mind, that's an evil genie or something behind her. We'll just say that.

9.27.10 - Drew this backstage during Damn Yankees. It's not the greatest, but it's a nice little complete scene, so I'm proud of it anyway.

1 comment:

This Place is a Disaster! said...

yes, anything THAT hairy below the waiste line is certainly terrifying!