Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sorry, Ladies, but your Prince is in Another Castle

My life seems to go in cycles: I go date-crazy for a month or two, then spend the next ten months alone, in my apartment, stewing in a vat of self-imposed loneliness and Ben and Jerry's.

Guess where I'm at in that cycle right now?

I've been getting hints - some subtle as silk, others obvious as a hand grenade on your front porch - that I need to start going on dates again. Not only that, but I need to improve the QUALITY of my dating - be more considerate, cleverer, and just all around more chivalrous.

Trouble is, I think I've dug down another layer on my cynical onion. When confronted with the idea of forming/pursuing new romantic experiences, I usually find myself thinking, "But I don't BELIEVE in love!"

Of course, every time THAT thought occurs to me, the following exchange plays out in my head:

Rosencrantz: I don't believe in it anyway.
Guildenstern: What?
Rosencrantz: England.
Guildenstern: Just a conspiracy of cartographers, then?

Am I really so cynical that I no longer believe in love, or am I simply railing against forces beyond my ken? You decide.

No, seriously, figure it out, cuz I don't care anymore.


Psychoticmilkman said...

maybe you're thinking about it too much. Maybe if you don't worry so much about dating you'll run into someone you'd like to date. It's not so much going on a lot of dates as going on dates that you want to go on.

Plus, girls are overrated. They're full of commitment and curfews.
...and their soft.

miss kristen said...

I agree. you're thinking about it too much. use it as an opportunity to "sample" different types of ladies and find out what you really love and what you really don't.
plus once you get to be my age, women are ecstatic when a man holds a door open for her and pays a genuine compliment.
plus you will believe in love when the right girl comes along. promise!

psychoticmilkman-is there something wrong with a girl being soft? I thought you silly boys liked that... :)

Psychoticmilkman said...

I was caught in a moment, it's good that girls are soft.

...sometimes too good... hmmmmmmm