Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Little Fun... at the Expense of the LDS Hymnal

I wouldn't say that NOTHING'S sacred... just not everything is.

1 - The hymn "Called to Serve" has always kinda bugged me. I think I've finally figured out why. Sing the hymn to yourself right now. Then look at this:

"I'm going to get married when I'm only 18 1/2!"
If you want a good laugh, the next time you sing this hymn in Sacrament Meeting, lean over to your neighbor and whisper "Rah rah rah" between verses.
Provided it's sung up tempo, of course. Otherwise, it's just a dirge.
2 - I feel kinda bad making fun of the actual sacrament hymns... but here we go.
Hymn #188: "Thy Will, O Lord, Be Done" is fairly standard - the lyrics introspective and devotional, but, in the second verse, things take a turn for the silly.
It opens okay: "The King of Kings left worlds of light,/Became the meek and lowly One." The very next line, though, opens with the line "In brightest day or darkest night," and I can't help but finish the line out on my own:

3 - I hate the hymn "In Our Lovely Deseret." Straight up hate it. I can't trace the logic behind my hatred for the hymn, but it just... creeps me out.
"In our lovely Deseret/Where the Saints of God have met/There's a multitude of children all around."
I can't even sing the real lyrics. Every time I try, the next line always comes out wrong:

"They are innocent and wise/They have hypnotising eyes..."
And that's the part where I lose control and have to stop singing.



This Place is a Disaster! said...

"Carry Maughn, Carry Maughn, Carry Maughn"

Chilli Bea-e-eans, Chilli Bea-eans. Chilli Beans at Je-e-sus feet, Chilli Beans"

Psychoticmilkman said...

The only good hymn is A Poor Wayfaring Man Of Grief, the problem is nowadays people only sing it up tempo. the original super slow version is my favorite.

miss kristen said...

Oh Steve. Wow...

i can believe you used a devil baby...literally. :)