Monday, September 27, 2010

So Done with Gaga

So, yeah, don't know if you've heard this, but Lady Gaga is HUGE. Oh, andI don't like her.

Frankly, Lady Gaga's the best example extant of the style-over-substance celebrity worship that is everything wrong with popular culture. She's a musician, sure, and not (empirically speaking) a terrible one, but she seems to care more about creating a spectacle out of her personal life than creating good music.

I'm tired of the attention this woman gets for basically doing nothing. So I'm not going to play along anymore. No, I've got nothing to say about this.

Yeah, whatever. That's cute. Don't care.


Nope, not even gonna comment on that.

Y'know what? I give up. I can't seem to go ONE FLIPPIN' DAY without having a conversation about Lady Gaga, so I'm declaring a cease-fire. Lady Gaga can do whatever she wants - that's fine. Any of you that get your kicks from listening to her, or ogling her bizarre stylings, go ahead. I won't judge you - just LEAVE ME OUT OF IT. I refuse to care about this woman anymore.




Okay, so I'll continue to fantasize about ballroom dancing to "Bad Romance" with Zooey Deschanel, but THAT'S IT.


Matt and Carolyn said...

Luckily I have had ONE(and only one) lady gaga conversation, and it was a Gaga bashing conversation. I try to avoid talking(or leave the room) when she comes up. She is a joke and I've NEVER liked one of her songs. Thank you for posting this. It has allowed me to vent. slightly.

Britty said...

Methinks thou doth protest too much. I'm pretty sure deep down somewhere in that dark area where your heart is supposed to be is a small portion of you that secretly loves Gaga. Oh Stephen....what are we going to do with you.