Thursday, May 5, 2011

Confessions: Calvin and Hobbes

1 - Back when I was a child, growing up in an unfinished basement in West Valley City, Utah, my best friend and I would spend long hours lying on the floor, reading "Calvin and Hobbes" out loud. We each took turns reading for the different characters. Years later, these same jokes still make me laugh.

(By the way, his most recent blog post deals with his feelings towards the death of Osama Bin Ladin. Mine is all about this cool sequence I read in a Superman comic. Obviously, one of us has grown into his responsibility a little better than the other.)

2 - I've actually tried to play Calvinball before.

It... wasn't as fun as I'd hoped.

3 - I got a stuffed tiger for Christmas when I was five years old that I named "Nicholas." After coercion from my brothers, I changed the tiger's name to "Hobbes." Years later, I can finally concede that they were right.

4 - Back when I was in third or fourth grade, I decided to dress up as Stupendous Man for Halloween. I didn't dress up in the full Stupendous Man costume, though. In what I thought was a brilliant move, I dressed up as "Calvin dressed up as Stupendous Man" - complete with purple cape, red and black striped shirt, and black pants.

To this day, it's probably my favorite Halloween costume I ever had - and I also dressed up one year as a super awesome witch doctor.

My mom made the best Halloween costumes, and that's a fact.

5 - Every time I read this comic: mind totally locks in on that second panel. I always picture Calvin, suddenly standing alone in a spotlight, singing the words "By ode dad id tryig to gill me" to an audience booing and hissing Calvin's dad.

It's totally weird.

6 - A friend of mine (to whom I am NOT engaged!) tried to start calling me "Hobbes" recently. It hasn't really stuck - which is a shame, because if I could pick a nickname, "Hobbes" would be a pretty good one.

Instead, I get "Braddy Buns." Man...


miss kristen said...

I'll call you Hobbes if you want.

These guys have always been my favorite comic strip to read as well. I had them plastered over my locker the majority of my Jr. and Sr. High school years...

Matt said...

I invented a game called "Matthewball" once. It was actually surprisingly awesome.

Todd said...

Good old Brandon! :)