At least, I wasn't.
Then the poster came out:
The movie's got a couple of big names attached to it that are sure to earn it some credibility, so you can consider me genuinely intrigued.
No, I'm not talking about Spielberg and Jackson. That's just silly.
I mean THESE guys:
Steven Moffat is regarded by many (myself included) to be the best writer on Doctor Who; however, I'm actually the TEENIEST bit fonder of his work on the revived Sherlock series.
And then there's Edgar Wright, whose work I'm not terribly familiar with, but his involvement in my favorite movie of 2010 means I'll be looking at this... frankly terrifying... movie with a bit more optimism.
They released the trailer this morning.
The only thing I think looks bad is the fact that it's also in 3D. I'll be seeing it in 2D.
Me too.
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