Monday, May 16, 2011


I don't really repost a lot of my personal correspondence, but I got a really nice compliment today, which I decided, for some reason, to share (with permission from the author, who's getting to be a regular feature on this blog).

"I was thinking about you last night this is a weird train of ... yeah just try and follow.

"I was at my new ward, then at my new ward prayer. I didn't know why I went to ward stare, but figured I have 4 months left of this scene and then I can be done forever, so I might as well embrace the absurdity of it all and go out with a bang. Besides, FHE tonight entails free Cafe Rio. Yes, Please! AND, ironically, I know about 8 people in my new ward and 4 of them are some of the ladies I LOVE the most who moved out of my last ward and things were never the same. Anyway...

"At church, one guy had asked for my number. At ward prayer, this other really pompous guy who ends up being a theater guy... plots practically on top of me on the couch and we ended up chatting theater stuff for thirty minutes. I knew his first/last name, but I didn't know him and I couldn't figure out why, but once we made the theater connection it all made sense. ANYWAY. Then I went to another friend's house and he kept making comments about me being pretty and he gave me several hugs, which is not common.

"I was driving home last night and I thought, 'Oh my word, if these guys really are interested, I can't handle it right now. I don't want to date right now.'

"Then I thought about the last time I didn't have to worry about this and I thought about Damn Yankees... I had some quiet time there for a couple of months in August/September/half October. And I thought about you. I wished there were more guys like Stephen. Someone who doesn't just throw themselves every which way until the hit someone who is interested. Someone who sits back and observes and if they pay you any attention you know it is because they truly desire to be in your company. I'm really thankful for our friendship Stephen. I'm thankful you are not a player. Yes, I wish you were more comfortable asking girls out and all of that, but I'm more grateful for who you are.

"That is all."

Above: Not me.

So, yeah some people appreciate that I'm a recluse and never burden girls with my ridiculous please for dates...

Well, I thought it was nice :-)


This Place is a Disaster! said...


Matt said...

I may or may not have come to this post today because of the Tex Avery picture. I love that Red Hot Red.

miss kristen said...

You are awesome Stephen. I like being in your proximity because you aren't trying so hard to win the affection of every woman within sight.

I still maintain you and Larissa have a "When Harry met Sally" relationship. You two just need to get your ducks in a row. :)

And what do I need to do to be a regular on your blog? ;)