Thursday, November 17, 2011

NaNoWriMo: November 16 Update

Words Written Last Night: 1,673
Total Words Written: 25,951
Percent of Final Goal: 51%

Notes: There have been a couple of pretty difficult challenges to overcome as a result of the somewhat warped chronology my book’s events have gone through. Some things simply don’t make sense now – a lot of the buildup of the first few chapters is now for an event that I think has already transpired. It’ll all come out in revision, but it’ll take a while.

Alice and Wendy is now almost split into two books – one is a dark story of madness and intrigue, and the other is a pretty straightforward story of a delinquent high school student. I find it much easier to write the latter, as the “madness and intrigue” requires a LOT more specialized knowledge than I’ve got (seriously, I’m never gonna write anything based in the medical field AGAIN). However, I think I’ll be most satisfied with the story if I’m able to weave the two disparate components together.

I forgot to mention before, but I’m actually doing a “word count contest” this week with a friend from church. Whoever gets the most words written this week wins. I picked a pretty bad week for this, though, as I’m busy almost every night with other stuff. So far, I’ve met my minimum goal per day. I should be completely caught up by the end of the week (and I may even be able to get a bit ahead).

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