Tuesday, November 8, 2011

NaNoWriMo: November 7 Update

Words Written Last Night: 2,491
Total Words Written: 10,894
Percent of Final Goal: 21%

Notes: I almost didn’t do any writing yesterday. I didn’t even start the writing until nearly 10:00 at night, spending most of my evening reading up on the Tarot on Wikipedia. Also, I went bowling (55 is a TERRIBLE bowling score, by the way).

I started writing with very little enthusiasm – I don’t know enough about the Tarot to write convincingly about a Tarot reading, which was the next portion of the story I wanted to write. Everything I know about Tarot cards comes from an old video game my brothers and I played growing up called The Fool’s Errand, which, incidentally, is a LOT of fun for puzzle-lovers.

My enthusiasm grew quickly, however, when I started writing the character Ruby. I had no intention of including anyone like her in my story when I first started writing it. However, I figured SOMEONE had to provide Wendy with a card reading, and I didn’t want Alice to do it (which I think was the original goal). So I created this sassy old woman, contorted with severe scoliosis, and I think I have a new favorite character.

And THAT’S why I like NaNoWriMo.


Gingerstar.kw said...

You should perhaps have someone do a Tarot reading on yourself, for strictly research purposes.

Torrie said...

Yay for you for doing this again! I read about it in my NCTE newsletter (yes, I've officially become one of THOSE people), and I really want to take on the challenge. Guess there's always next year...