Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Giant Sized Daily Sketches

10.4.10 - Here's the prequel to that other robot sketch I did. I'm not as proud of it, but I thought I'd share it anyway, cuz, really, it's not bad.

In my estimation, at least.

10.7.10-10.8.10 - I drew this after watching The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. If you haven't seen the movie... well, I guess this could be considered something of a spoiler.

But, yeah, the movie's about 100 years old, so that's DEFINITELY not my problem anymore.

10.11.10 - So I've been reading Little Nemo in Slumberland, an old comic from about 100 years ago. And, yeah, it's pretty crazy.

I felt inspired to draw something a bit surreal, and I came up with this. Pretty proud of it.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Domo Arigato - Nice touch.

Caligari is one of my favorite drawings you've done yet.

And since I have no "Little Nemo" reference, it reminds me of Nightmare Before Christmas. Good work.