Friday, October 8, 2010

Horrorshow: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

Remember breathing? I miss breathing.

Yeah, I'm still feeling sick - terrible feeling, really, especially since I'm still in this play tonight. Hopefully, my voice will be well enough to hit all the high notes.

Anyway, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.

I knew nothing about this old silent film before going in. Well, I'd heard that it was the first film in the German Expressionist movement or something like that, but that doesn't mean anything to me. All I knew was, "Scary silent film? At the Organ Loft? I'm there."

And there I was. Now, granted, this is an EXTRAORDINARILY dated movie. Silent comedies are still almost 100% gold, but anything else tends to fall a bit flat. The march of technology has really put a couple cracks in what is supposed to be one of the first great films of all time.

Now, mind, that doesn't make this a BAD film. The visuals are stunning - probably among the best I've seen in a silent film. There's a level of Tim Burton surreality to the set pieces - you just have to overlook the shaking when an actor walks on them.

There's a scene right towards the end in the insane asylum that is absolutely chilling, and a twist ending that brought a wicked little smile to my face. So, yeah, this is one entertaining piece of history.


Manelle said...

I agree with pretty much all of that. The visuals were may favorite part. I don't think I've seen better in a silent film ever. In fact I've seen worse in current films.

Heidi said...

Why haven't you posted your drawing inspired by this movie? It was really good. Probably one of my favorites you've done yet.