Monday, October 11, 2010

Hell and Heartache

I've already discussed the hell. Here's the heartache:

An old girlfriend of mine came and saw the show on Friday night. Now, my history with ex-girlfriends has been... I'll just say less than dignified. I'm on good terms with my exes, for the most part, and this particular girl more than most. Even so, any encounter with an ex tends to send me into a bit of an emotional tailspin.

Anyway, I was actually pretty glad to see her there - and more than a little sad that I had to reject her congratulatory hug due to the virus currently laying siege to my immune system. Yeah, that was a bit awkward (in fact, I barely got to hug ANY cute girls this weekend - what a rip!), but, all in all, I wound up just being glad that I had a friend there to support me.

Then I got in my car to drive home. Turned on the radio, and I hear this.

Finished listening to the song (what can I say? I kinda like Nelly) and changed the station, only to hear it again.

So, yeah, it was a bittersweet weekend (which is my new pick for the best band name I've ever heard).


Psychoticmilkman said...

Dude...that's a terrible song.
I mean... I listen to some crappy songs sometimes...but wow.
And the music video was even worse. bleh

S.R. Braddy said...

Eh. I like it.