Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Horrorshow: The Grudge

I'd been looking forward to watching The Grudge for a long time. I'd seen pictures of the ghosts from the movie, and they absolutely terrified me. So, yeah, I figured this would be a good movie for a good scare.

Turns out I was only half right.

The Grudge is actually one of the scariest movies I've seen. There's a tense atmosphere built up around each of the set pieces that haunts you even after the movie's over. The ghosts themselves are memorable and incredibly terrifying, from their jet black hair and pale skin to the pained, unnatural noises they make.

Thing is, though, that The Grudge is not really a good movie. Most of the acting is wooden and unconvincing - especially from Sarah Michelle Gellar, the lead. The plot itself is just a shallow excuse to introduce the scarier moments, which - effective as they are - aren't enough to carry a narrative on their own.

Still, this movie scared the CRAP out of me.


Larissa said...

Well that sounds messy.

miss kristen said...

You should watch ju-on, the Japanese predecessor. This one scared the crap AND the pants off of my girlfriend.

So much that six years later if I'm feeling down and want to mess with her I call her from a blocked number and make "the" sound. Priceless.