Sunday, October 31, 2010

NaNoWriMo Begins Tomorrow

...and I'm SO excited.

So, here's the plan:

1 - The goal is to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days, which comes to 1,666.66 words (or so) per day. MY goal will be to write 2,000 words per day, to make up for days when writing will be difficult.

2 - I won't be writing straight through from beginning to end. The novel I've got planned is pretty fragmented, so I'll be writing different sections each day - depending on my mood.

3 - I will post occasional updates on my progress here on the blog - to maintain a semblance of accountability to people other than myself. I also have a buddy who's agreed to give this a shot with me, so I'll be checking in with him every now and again as well.

4 - A lot of the different segments I have planned will be able to, more or less, stand on their own - a bit like short stories or flash fiction. I'll share a couple of these pieces on my other blog - which is a private blog, but I'm more than willing to add pretty much anyone who's interested.

5 - I'll be welcoming all sorts of feedback, but I will be doing ZERO editing during the month of November. The goal is just to get stuff WRITTEN. I'll save all revisions for December.

I've got a lot of work to do tonight - I have to finish an outline before I can start writing in earnest.

1 comment:

heidikins said...

You're a rockstar--I'm excited to hear about this!
